What is Beauty to You?

What is Beauty to You?

MyMajesticBeauty is all about expressing your beauty in your unique way, which makes you comfortable and powerful. We believe that there isn't one real definition of what beauty looks like; instead, each person is wonderfully and fearfully created in their own unique way. 

What is your definition of beauty? 


December 15, 2020
Definition of Majestic

Definition of Majestic



having or showing impressive beauty or scale.

December 15, 2020
About Us

About Us

A passion for makeup and beauty birthed MyMajesticBeauty. Every product has been thoughtfully produced with high-quality ingredients to lightweight formulas to suit all skin tones. My Majestic Beauty is more than just a beauty brand providing high-quality cosmetics; she has been birthed to change and influence today's modern definition of beauty.
December 15, 2020